Sunday, October 26, 2014

October iJustine Fancy Box

There is a new Fancy Box curated by internet celebrity iJustine.  This is an awesome box.  It also helped that it came right before Halloween and was filled with things that fit the spirit of the season.

This is the fullest Fancy Box I've gotten in a long time.  Fancy Boxes have been averaging four items as of late to get to their guaranteed $80 price point.  This box did it will more smaller items, but they are right up my ally.

I love Fred and GamaGo products.  I would say now that I've got these three, 2/3 of my kitchen if will with these brands.  I am now only missing one to the ice "cube" trays that Fred sells.  I also already have their ninjabread men cook cutters, so I'm excited to have the undead model for this time of year.  While I'm not a big user of bottle openers, I'm happy that this is second one in my collection thanks to my subscription addiction this year.  Even though these products are pretty whimsical, they are also really well made, and I've never had a problem with either brand when it comes to wear and tear.

I honestly don't know the purpose of owning my own box of zombies, but I'm now the proud owner of my very own box.  Upon further investigation, I found out that they come in one of two colors.  There is a bright kelly green, or the pale purple that I received.  I think it looks more grayish, but either way, I'll take them any day over kelly green zombies.
There was also a shirt in the box this month that will be perfect for Halloween.  If you haven't seen these shirts before, they have script printed on the outside and an image printed inside the shirt.  That way when someone follows the directions on the outside, you can flip the shirt up over your face and create a mask that corresponds to the shirt.  This is a pretty funny idea, and I'm going to for sure wear the shirt.  I just have to be careful it's in a place that allows you to give the illusion of flashing someone. 

The last two items in the box bring in vampires and werewolves.  Really this box has almost all your classic movie monsters covered.  I give her, iJustine, a lot of credit for the variety within her theme.  The parts I've read in the book thus far, are well written and enjoyable.  I'm also looking forward to finding ways to use my new sets of fake teeth.

So, was it worth it...This box ends up being right around $45 with shipping.  The items in this Fancy Box are worth right around $75.  This isn't the $80 promised when signing up for the box, yet I'm still happy with what came here.  I think it's the fact that I really like all these items, and the monsters they celebrate.  This Fancy Box is going on my list of monthly subscription keepers.

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